This Eidul-Adha, your korban orders have extended much-needed assistance and relief to 67,000 underprivileged individuals
We extend our heartfelt gratitude for your generosity and support in making this Hari Raya Haji a memorable one for them.
May Allah accepts all our ibadah. Amin.

Korban in Yemen is completed!
We have sent your E-Certificate and Programme Report via WhatsApp to most of our customers. For some, these documents have been emailed directly to you.
If you have not received your E-Certificate and Programme Report or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Korban in Syria is completed!
We have sent your E-Certificate and Programme Report via WhatsApp to most of our customers. For some, these documents have been emailed directly to you.
If you have not received your E-Certificate and Programme Report or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Korban in Rohingya is completed!
We have sent your E-Certificate and Programme Report via WhatsApp to most of our customers. For some, these documents have been emailed directly to you.
If you have not received your E-Certificate and Programme Report or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Korban in Palestine is completed!
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If you have not received your E-Certificate and Programme Report or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Korban in Indonesia is completed!
We have sent your E-Certificate and Programme Report via WhatsApp to most of our customers. For some, these documents have been emailed directly to you.
If you have not received your E-Certificate and Programme Report or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Korban in Mecca is completed!
We have sent your E-Certificate and Programme Report via WhatsApp to most of our customers. For some, these documents have been emailed directly to you.
If you have not received your E-Certificate and Programme Report or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Korban in Somalia is completed!
We have sent your E-Certificate and Programme Report via WhatsApp to most of our customers. For some, these documents have been emailed directly to you.
If you have not received your E-Certificate and Programme Report or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Korban in India is completed!
We have sent your E-Certificate and Programme Report via WhatsApp to most of our customers. For some, these documents have been emailed directly to you.
If you have not received your E-Certificate and Programme Report or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Korban in Ghana is completed!
We have sent your E-Certificate and Programme Report via WhatsApp to most of our customers. For some, these documents have been emailed directly to you.
If you have not received your E-Certificate and Programme Report or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Korban in Cambodia is completed!
We have sent your E-Certificate and Programme Report via WhatsApp to most of our customers. For some, these documents have been emailed directly to you.
If you have not received your E-Certificate and Programme Report or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Korban in Australia is completed!
We have sent your E-Certificate and Programme Report via WhatsApp to most of our customers. For some, these documents have been emailed directly to you.
If you have not received your E-Certificate and Programme Report or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Collapsible content
If I have done sacrifice (qurban) last year, can I do it again this year and in the years to come?
The ruling for qurban is sunnah muakkadah. It is sunnah for those who can afford it. And if you can afford to do it every year, hence you are welcome to do so, no ruling against it. Allah knows best.
Is it permissible for non-Muslims to be given the qurban meat?
The goal and aim of conducting kurban is clear, it is to be appreciative of the sustenance that Allah s.w.t has blessed us with throughout that year, and also it is to allow other people to feel the blessings from Allah s.w.t whilst having a stronger ties among the Ummah. As a result, giving the qurban meat to non-muslim does not go against with any of the aim as to why qurban is conducted, so according to Hanbali Mazhab, it is permissible to give the sunnah qurban meat as a gift to non-muslims but it isn’t permissible to give wajib qurban meat to non-muslims.
What If I can’t refrain from doing what is prohibited of me while performing the qurban, is it a sin? How do I go about and the duration that I have to abstain from what is prohibited?
It is sunnah for people who want to perform the sacrifice (including those who intend to sacrifice before the month of Dzulhijjah), not to remove the hairs on their body and not to cut the nails. (This includes not cutting nor shaving hair, facial hair, hair at the underarms, hair at the private parts, and all the others.) The period that they shouldn’t do so is when it enters the first ten days of the month of Dzulhijjah until he/she performs the qurban. In the event the person who performs the sacrifice does so, the ruling is that it is makruh, not haram.
Henceforth, it is permissible to cut hair and nails if it interferes with making proper ablution and other obligations.
The wisdom is that Allah frees, from every fibre of the slaughtered animal to the slaughterer, so then the slaughterer should be in complete condition so that more fibres can be free from hellfire.
Allah knows best.
Can one represent another to perform sacrifice for his/her counterpart?
The ruling for slaughtering the sacrificial animal is sunnah done by the person who wants to perform the sacrifice. However, those who are unable to carry it out themselves are more encouraged to delegate to others to slaughter their qurban animal on their behalf.
It is our responsibility to do it to the best of our abilities, and to distribute it to where people need it most.
What is the ruling on doing a sacrifice for the deceased? Can this be done? Example, doing the sacrifice for the Prophet.
If the deceased left a will to perform qurban on their behalf, do it as part of the will. If no will was made then the qurban is considered as a gift of rewards for the deceased made by the purchaser of the animal. Wallahu a’lam.
If I perform the sacrifice, is it compulsory for me to take a part of the meat?
It is sunnah for the person who perform the qurban to eat the meat, but cannot (haram) eat them entirely. It is obligatory to distribute a part of (even a small portion) the sacrificed meat. One can donate all of the meat from the sacrificed. However, it is more encouraged for him/her to consume some of the meat to obtain barakah from the sacrificed.
Following that, it is encouraged that a third of the sacrificed meat be eaten by the one who perform and the remaining (2/3) donated.
And following after that, it is encouraged that the 1/3 is eaten (or served as a feast), 1/3 donated to the poor (even if it’s only to one person), and the remaining 1/3 be presented to relatives and neighbours.
Allah knows best.
Is it obligatory to eat the sacrificed meat?
Most scholars are of the view that eating from it is mustahabb (encouraged) but is not obligatory.
Can I perform the sacrifice above my child’s name that has yet to hit puberty or be able to differentiate the wrong from right (mumayyiz)?
It is a must for the father (or guardian) to do the sacrifice (qurban) with his own wealth for his child that is still young and alive, without the said child’s permission.
The sacrifice should not be done with the wealth of the young child. Allah knows best.
I would like to make the sacrifice. Which is a better choice? Camel, cow or sheep or parts of any of the animals mentioned?
It is highly encouraged to sacrifice with a goat than to share 7 people in a camel or a cow.
Following that, it is encouraged to sacrifice with 7 goats rather than a camel or cow because more blood flows.
It is sunnah to sacrifice an animal that is fat and sound in its health and senses. It is even better to sacrifice one fat animal instead of two skinny ones. And more meat is better than fat, unless the meat is not good.
In short, it is highly encouraged to sacrifice a camel, if not a cow, if not a lamb, and at least a goat. If none of the above is possible, 1/7 of a camel or cow. Allah knows best.
Is it permissible to give a big portion of or all of the sacrificed meat to charity?
If one wishes to give all of the meat to charity, or a large portion of it, he/she may do so.
When can we start the Qurban Sunnah Practices?
We hope this message finds you in the best of health and spirits.
As the blessed month of Dzulhijjah approaches, we would like to remind you of the opportunity to engage in the noble act of Qurban, a Sunnah practice highly esteemed in Islam.
It is our pleasure to inform you that you can commence your Qurban Sunnah practice on the *1st day of Dzulhijjah (20 June 2023)*, and you may end it on the *3rd day of Tashrik after Asar prayers (2nd July 2023)*. This period provides a remarkable chance for you to fulfill this sacred obligation and earn immense rewards.
We highly encourage you to plan ahead, like cutting of nails, shaving before *20 June 2023 (1 Dzulhijjah).*
Should you require any further information or assistance regarding Qurban, please feel free to contact us.
May Allah bless you abundantly for your intentions and efforts to observe this virtuous act of Qurban Sunnah. May your sacrifice bring you closer to Allah's mercy and earn you immense rewards in this world and the Hereafter.
Wishing you a blessed and rewarding experience during the days of Dzulhijjah.
When will our Qurban be fulfilled?
Qurban will be fulfilled on the days of Tasyriq: the 10th , 11th, 12th and 13th day of Dzulhijjah.
SMART Qurban International aims to achieve slaughtering of all animals in the programme within a universally acceptable time-frame of three days of Eidul- Adha whilst permitting extension into the fourth day (13th Dzul Hijjah) considering ground realities, local practice and operational capacity. In order to achieve the broadest level of acceptability, SMART Qurban International strives to achieve all Qurban by the 12th Dzul Hijjah and thus avoid any dispute regarding validity. However, due to both the numbers of Qurban received in some of the most popular field offices and the local acceptability for Qurban to be performed up to 13th Dzul Hijjah, SMART Qurban International permits Qurban up to 13th Dzul Hijjah with the caveat that this is acceptable as Qurban in the locality of implementation.
Sohibul Qurban who are practising the sunnah (not cutting hair and trimming of naills) are advised to err on the safe side and end your practise on 13th Dzulhijjah to avoid any doubts on achieving acceptability.
When is the time to do Aqiqah?
It is sunnah to perform aqiqah on the 7th day from the birth of the child.
It should be performed before or after the 7th day but Aqiqah cannot be performed before the birth of the child.
The time to perform Aqiqah is long and it has no end. Henceforth, there is no end date to perform Aqiqah even after the 7th day. It is only sunnah to not delay the Aqiqah until the child is almost reaching puberty.
In the scenario that it is not performed and that child has hit puberty, it becomes unnecessary for the parents or anyone else to perform Aqiqah for the child. Instead, it is encouraged for that child (now grown up) to do it himself/herself, and it can be done even when he/she has matured.
Since I’m doing Aqiqah for my daughter/son, can I cut her/his fingernails? Or do I have to wait until the Aqiqah is completed?
You may cut your child’s fingernails as they are not performing Ibadah Qurban.
If the animal that I wish to sacrifice is no longer available in the country, can it be changed and done in another country?
It depends on the person who is doing the sacrifice, if he/she wants to do it or not. Thus, the initial stage of representation plays a vital role in making agreement for the person performing the qurban.
When should the sacrifice be done?
The sacrifice must be performed on the days of Tasyriq: the 10th , 11th, 12th and 13th day of Dzulhijjah. You can order your sacrifice before this time, but the sacrifice must be carried out on the correct day.